
¡Haz oír tu voz! Realice nuestra encuesta sobre servicios y comunicación

Cascade Medical se compromete a mejorar la participación y la comunicación de la comunidad.

Make your voice heard! Take our Services & Communication Survey

Cascade Medical is committed to enhancing community engagement and communication. We invite you to participate in our survey to share which services you value most and how we can improve our communication with you.

Independence Day is in our rearview mirrors. Before we know it, back-to-school lists will be in our inboxes, and our kids will be counting down the days of summer they have left. 

Cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, have been on the upswing in North Central Washington. What do you need to know, and what do you need to do to keep your family safe? 

COVID-19 Immunizations - FAQs

Does Cascade Medical have COVID-19 vaccine in stock? Can I make an appointment?

Cascade Medical is bringing healthcare to you.

Where will the Cascade Mobile Clinic be, and when will it be there:

UPDATE: Our current filing period for the PFAC has closed. We will consider applications later on in the year. If you are still interested, you are welcome to submit your application and we will keep it on file when the next window opens. 

Cascade Medical's Community Needs Assessment Survey is online NOW

Pilot Clarke Manning soared over the Cascade Range on May 1 with precious cargo - 22,500 simple procedure masks headed for Cascade Medical in Leavenworth.

To ensure the safety of our patients and staff, Cascade Medical will limit the number of visitors and guests who accompany our patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.